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 اخر اصدار من الجت اوديو حصرى لدى النجم

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 290
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/07/2007

اخر اصدار من الجت اوديو حصرى لدى النجم Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اخر اصدار من الجت اوديو حصرى لدى النجم   اخر اصدار من الجت اوديو حصرى لدى النجم Icon_minitime1السبت مايو 03, 2008 9:04 am

JetAudio is integrated multimedia software composed of a single compact rack. Not only does it play various music and video files, but it also has other features such as CD burning, recording, conversion to other file formats, and so on. In addition to these features, you have the ability to create your own Internet broadcasting by using JetCast, which is provided with JetAudio. Play all major file formats and discs, including WAV, MP3, MP3Pro, OGG, WMA, MPG, AVI, WMV, MIDI, RM, and video, and audio CD. Convert among audio file formats, and record analog audio to various formats. The program features Internet broadcasting with JetCast; visualization plug-ins, including Sound2Vision; tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA; various sound effects including wide, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel sound output; speed control of audio playback; crossfading for smooth transition between two songs; a skinnable user interface; synchronized lyrics display (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files; and subtitles.

Features: Supports All Major File Formats, Audio CD burning, Recording, Tag Editing, Multi-channel sound ouput, Crossfade, Skin, Subtitles, Internet CD Database, Convenient album management & Playlist, Utilities, Conversion, Audio CD Ripping, Internet Broadcasting, Various sound effects, Speed Control, Resume, Synchronized Lyric (Karaoke), Alarm & Timer, Equalizer, Superb Crystal-Clear Sound, Visualization powered by Sound2Vision.

Changes in jetAudio 7.0 Beta 1:
- Repeat A<->B
- Bookmark (store position of each file)
- History (list of recent files)
- Supports Remote Controller (such as MCE Remote and StreamZap)
- New Media Manager (Album Manager + Explorer + Device Manager)
- and much more.

Note: This version of jetAudio is in BETA stage and due to its new media lib, it will modify your old Album-Database which, later on, might be incompatible with jetAudio 6.xx. Thus it is adviced that you back-up your old database in case you want to revert to your old version. just copy this folder to somewhere else and restore in the same place if you revert.
C:\documents and settings\<user name>\application data\cowon

Homepage -

Size: 19.6 MB

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